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KC Champions Cup 2016 Recap

Heartland Soccer and GSI Sports welcomed a record breaking 410 teams from twelve states to the KC Champions Cup tournament over the April 8-10th weekend. Games were played at the Scheels Overland Park Soccer Complex, Swope Soccer Village and Olathe District Activity Center.

This was without doubt the largest tournament that we have run, with games starting at 5:00 PM on Friday afternoon and the last final being completed at 8:30 on Sunday evening. By the end of the weekend 61 teams were able to lift the Champions trophy in their division.

An event of this magnitude required a huge support staff. Heartland Soccer and GSI Sports would like to thank not only the Sponsors who provided fantastic support over the weekend, but also our Assignors, Field Marshalls and referees who worked tirelessly over a very long weekend.

Finally, we would like to thank all of the players, coaches and parents who gave up their weekend to compete in this fantastic event. We hope that everyone really enjoyed the weekend. We look forward to seeing you at the next event.